Friday, December 29, 2006
I'm blah. I just want to sleep in and be lazy. Occasionally I'm happy to play the odd board game - someone say Trivial Pursuit or Scrabble - I'm so there, but otherwise leave me alone. I can feel myself going into my hermit mode. I've had enough of people right now, and my idea of hell is a packed NYE in the city, or a busy shopping centre.
Am I the only one feeling like this?
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas to all
My boy has just left to go and spend the day with his family in the country where his grandmother lives, after spoiling me with my birthday present at midnight, and breakfast in bed and a Christmas present. Such a nice way to wake up, and starts the day so well.
It is nearly time for me to have a shower, grab all the food and drink I need to take, and go to spend the day with my family at my mothers.
I hope that you all have a merry Christmas, and enjoy the time with your family and friends.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Perhaps it is time for a restraining order
I've been tagged with this meme by the lovely Franny.
The Rules: Pick a Christmas lyric that you've always had a question about and discuss it. Then either tag one or more people or either tag nobody and invite your readers to tag themselves and enjoy discussing the subject on their own.
I've always worried about, and felt icky, whenever I heard "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
The first couple of verses - no problem, I'm fine with them. Third verse though, I find out that this fat old man in a red suit is watching me sleep, and knows when I'm awake. I don't know about you, but I think that is pretty creepy. There are times that I want to be bad, and I neither need or want an audience for that. If I ever do, I'll put it on YouTube.
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!
O! You better watch out!
The first line of the fourth and final verse is right - I had better watch out, and so had Santa - he will be slapped with a restraining order within the week.
Please share your questionable Christmas lyrics in the comments below.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Dear Blogger
But you don't always let me show my photos, and putting links into my posts is becoming a nightmare. You are so moody - sometimes I can, and sometimes I can't. Sometimes I can just hit enter twice and know that my paragraphs will be recognised, and sometimes I have to use html.
My friends don't talk to me anymore - I have all these friends called anonymous now - they sign their names as my friends, but you just don't let them identify themselves up front. You don't let me talk to my friends either - I go to visit them at their place and you don't let me talk at all, or you make me say my name three times before I can. Would it help if I tapped my feet together at the same time?
When I come to visit you, you never remember who I am. Every time I come by, you ask me my name, and offer to remember me. I ask you to remember me, I even tick the box that leaves you a note, and you never do. I just don't feel special anymore.
I know that you can work through your issues, so that we can go back to the way we were, but better, cleverer, kinder. I just wonder when?
Yours hopefully,
Sunday, December 10, 2006
It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid ...
There are 15 days until Christmas, 16 days until my brothers birthday, 13 days until my birthday party and 15 days until my birthday.
Between now and then I need to:
Put the BBQ together so that we can eat at my birthday party
Finish writing all of my Christmas cards and post them
Buy stamps to post the cards with
Start Christmas shopping (thank goodness for the internet)
Wrap Christmas presents
Get my car fixed so it doesn't overheat, and have the air conditioning regassed
Go to 2 Christmas BBQ's
Go to one Christmas carol service
Shop for my birthday party
Fly to Sydney for the day for work and a Christmas party
Go to the Kylie Minogue concert
Help Mum plan and prepare Christmas day and shopping for it
Work out what I want for my birthday lunch with the family
Clean the house
Finish reading the books for book club
Book Club Christmas break up
Work full time
Maintain a relationship
Take the cat to the vet for his vaccination
I know I was hoping to get a work/life balance back when I changed jobs, but I think I've gone to the other extreme and over balanced on the life side of things. It is still better than being over focussed on work, and hopefully I'll learn to balance better once I get through December.
I'm excited about Christmas, I just wish I had a few more weeks to fit it all in and prepare. I think I knew I was feeling a bit overwhelmed the other day when I started scheduling naps.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I am not a packhorse
Right now, I'm carrying around:
Mobile phone
Work security pass
Tube of 30 plus sunscreen
Lip balm
Aveda blue oil
Sock for my phone - not on it, but separately
A keyring torch - it has come off my keys, but I've still got it in my back - the light still works.
Ines of my soul by Isabel Allende
4 pens
2 lipsticks
Vanity Fair with George Clooney on the cover
What is in your bag?
Friday, December 08, 2006
Burning Up
I've posted before about the drought, and the impact that I saw it having while we were away. Now all I can think about is the people that we met when we were away, and the effect that these fires are having on their lives, their communities and their livelihoods.
All I can do is hope that all of the firefighters, the volunteers and every one trying to protect their homes stays safe and is reunited with their family and community as soon as possible.
*Image sourced from
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Shuffly pod
Please stay - Kylie Minogue *
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie
In a big country - Big Country
All or nothing at all - Frank Sinatra
Sparrow come back home - Mighty Sparrow *
War at 33 1/3 - Public Enemy
Groove is in the heart - Deelite
Bitter Tears - INXS *
You are my sunshine - Norman Blake
Boris the Spider - The Who
Simply Irrestible - Robert Palmer
Arima Bobolee - Lord Kitchener
Que Onda Guero - Beck
Ant Music - Adam and the Ants
Gypsy Woman - Crystal Waters
Fatal Beatings - Rowan Atkinson
I'm still standing - Elton John
Papa's got a brand new bag - James Brown
Boys - Sabrina
Six months in a leaky boat - Split Enz
Pedestal - Portishead
Someone to watch over me - Ella Fitzgerald
Vamos - The Gypsy Kings
The Power of Love - Huey Lewis and the News
Johnny B Good - Chuck Berry
One of Us - Joan Osborne (was I the only one who sang the lyric about stringbeans on the bus?)
Singing in the 80's - The Monitors
Music - Madonna
Another one bites the dust - Queen
I've got you under my skin - Frank Sinatra with Count Basie
The Girl is Mine - Paul McDermott *
New Sensation - INXS *
The Riddle - Nik Kershaw
Feel Good Inc - Gorillaz
Michael Row the Boat ashore - The Highwaymen
Be Prepared - Tom Lehrer
Too Young for Promises - Koo De Tah
Someone to watch over me - Judy Garland
Did it again - Kylie Minogue *
Sunny came home - Shawn Colvin
Anyone with an asterisk I've seen live. I'm a bit amused by the couple of duplicate artists, and the duplicate song by different artists. The 80's get a bit of a look in - although I don't know that I would normally have admitted to the Sabrina one. I never know what I'm going to get when I'm on shuffle - I've filled nearly 40 gb of my 60 gb ipod and it can be on shuffle for days before repeating
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Skunk as a drunk
I just met someone from my list and he was a sweetheart. Anthony Morgan just moved himself further up my list.
I had my first work Christmas party tonight and out of the 100 odd people there I knew 3. Yep count the masses. They all left early and I mingled for a couple of hours later, but then I started feeling really lonely and like I was pushing myself into groups of people who knew each other well, and found myself hitting more champagne than was good for me. Oh and the barman asked for my number. Smile, ego, smile.
I sent my babiest brother a message to see if he was at work - luckily he was - and walked the couple of kilometres to his bar. I walked in and just felt so instantly welcome - more of a community than the disjointed groups at my work party. There was a group playing poker, and another group there having a bucks night, as well as small groups just having a few drinks. Everyone was very chatty and welcoming, and I found myself floating between groups of people, and being introduced to everyone. Did I mention Anthony Morgan? Oh well, Anthony Morgan. I got a kiss and a hug goodbye from him too. One guy and I kept pinching the same lines from each other - that was way more fun than is good for me. I laughed, I teased and I had a ball. All that and my lovely brother drove me home too.
Final count - champagne - 8 or 9, bottles of water - 1, glasses of water - 5, vodka, lemon, lime & soda - 5 or 6, glasses of semillion blanc (very hard to type right now) - 1. Bottles of water I've drunk since getting home - 1. Bottles of water I still need to drink before bed - 1. Hours until my hair appointment - 7. I have a bad feeling that a bacon and egg mcmuffin could be breakfast.
Did I mention Anthony Morgan - phwoar!!!
Sobriety - overrated. Ability to identify Patience by Guns'n'Roses by whistle - something to be pretty proud of.
My head is going to hurt when I get out of bed later this morning.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Today I found out why. He has had a recurrence of bowel cancer. He has just had another tumour removed, and although they are optimistic that they got it all because it was encapsulated, he has been back having radiotherapy and "flashing his arse all over New Zealand". He doesn't know yet if he will have to go and have more chemo. This will be his third round of it in 4 years.
I feel so powerless and useless. I know that his coping mechanism is to shut himself away and deal with things by himself, but I want to be able to do something. He is always there for me, but he doesn't want anyone there for him at the moment. Right now, the only thing I can do is let him deal with things his own way, and be there when he is ready for people again. That and rely on other friends over there to keep an eye on him.
I guess I'm just scared that he is worried that things will go badly, and he is trying to isolate himself more to spare everyone.
Friday, November 24, 2006

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Where do you go my lovely?
Does anyone have any suggestions for good online invitations? I've just realised it is a month until I want to have my birthday party, and with most people being online I want to see what ideas I can find to use, borrow or plagiarise :) I haven't really celebrated my birthday with all of my friends a party since I turned 25, so I think it is well and truly time. I know that the date is a shocker, but feel free to raise that with my parents, and be thankful I'm not celebrating on the actual day
I've had a couple of emails asking why I haven't mentioned the boy lately - all will be revealed in my next post - I promise!
It rocked
Note to the Edge, yes we booed you. Melbourne is not Sydney, and we don't like being called that. Sorry, we love you, but that was an insult.
Note to Bono, getting a text from you after the concert is exciting. Thanks. I would love to have seen my face when I checked my phone for the beep and finding a message from Bono. Cool. Thanks
Thursday, November 16, 2006
New kid on the block
I survived my first day at the new job and it was good. My head is spinning with all of the information that I've taken in so far today, and it will be interesting to see how much of it I've retained. So far the people seem nice, and the office is good and easy to get to.
I just wish that I'd slept better last night - I woke up every hour or so stressed that I had slept through my alarm, so that when I finally gave up and got up at 6 I was already tired. Don't think I'll have that problem tonight somehow.
To top it all off, I had tickets to see Al Gore do his presentation on global warming - blew me away. More about that when I don't have the hectic schedule I've got over the next few days.
3 more sleeps til U2
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Entertainment - NQR
Yesterday I wandered around there with my brother and stepfather, who had competed to see who could help me spend the vouchers fastest, and put a table on hold. I went back today with my brother and his fiance, and was overjoyed to find that the barbecue I wanted had been reduced to $150 from $299 from $499, which meant that I could buy more benches to go with the table. Total digression, my barbecue has a rotisserie and a wok burner, and my brother was disappointed that I didn't buy the barbecue with the deep fryer!!! What the...?
Anyway, being me I decided that it was a good opportunity to invite my mum and stepfather for dinner, and my brother and his fiance, and any other family members who were available. My brother and his fiance said that they would come over early and help me to put the barbecue, table and chairs together.
Come 5.30 and I haven't seen them yet, so I think I should start. So I open up the box and find the instructions. So far so good. Then I start getting all of the pieces out (and there were at least 50!). Looking at the first steps, I can't find the screws and wing nuts that I need, so I start going through the box again. Mum and my stepfather arrive, and my stepfather starts going through everything to find the missing screws and nuts. Still nothing. Then the rain starts. Big, fat, splashy raindrops - god knows we need it, but couldn't you have held off for half an hour, or better yet, found a catchment area to rain in? Then my brother and his fiance arrive, and he starts going through the bits and pieces too. I go and turn on the oven, because I think that is the only way that I'll be getting dinner cooked tonight - oven and grill. Heading outside again, I find that they have started all of it again, in the rain, and now they are going through each page of the instructions to see what else is missing. Turns out I'm missing three bags of screws and nuts, and one knob. That will be a fun phone call at 7 tomorrow morning. Then I discover my new gas bottle is empty, so it would have been very difficult to cook with anyway. Eeek.
Meanwhile Mum found my stash of clean laundry, hidden behind the door where no one should have gone, and started folding it. I'm feeling like uber (anyone know how I can do umlauts?) hostess by now, and just want to run and hide.
Instead of running and hiding, we decide to move off in convoy to Mum's house, where they promise that they have a fully functional barbecue, with gas, and tables, chairs and cutlery. Civilised. I did have to run back home though - guess who forgot to turn off the oven? Food turned out good - I like the local supermarkets new effort - lamb drumsticks - they have them in souvlaki, red wine and herbs and other flavours. All the salads and drinks survived the trip, but I got to sit through dinner being teased about my barbecue invitation. I don't think I will live it down for a long time. On the plus side though, I didn't have to do the dishes - Mum has a dishwasher :)
Tomorrow, weather permitting, we are going to try and put the table and chairs together. I cannot wait.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Lest we forget
Those who went and did not return.
Those who went and returned wounded.
Those who went and returned unwounded, yet damaged.
Those who waited.
Friday, November 10, 2006
Lock them up and throw away the key
"at the end of the day"
"I, personally"
"at this point in time"
I'm very sure there are more that I haven't thought of yet. I won't forget to share :)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Back from the holiday

There is supposed to be water in here!
It really hurt me, seeing just how dry so much of the land is, and seeing all the dry rivers and creeks that we drove over. Watching sheep and cows trying to feed where dams are supposed to be really distressed me, and one stretch of highway that we drove along distressed me so much that we changed our route home so that we didn't go through it again. Everything was so dry and dusty, there was so little green, and I really just felt that it was so bleak, and there was so little hope for rain, the animals or the future in some of the people.

I've been really sheltered - I'd never been through that part of Australia before - and seeing and hearing the devastation that our climate causes really shook me. I wanted to do something to improve things, but I just felt so useless and completely powerless.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Free at last!
I'm off to the beach today for about 10 days with my boy. Haven't even started packing yet, let alone been to the supermarket for supplies for my housesitting brother yet, so this post will be really short.
I'll see you all in November. I'll be the slightly tanned, relaxed one.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Borrowing trouble?
I'm daunted because I will be the new kid again, and won't be what I have been for so long now, the font of all knowledge and experience. Will the people at my new job like me? Will they get my sense of humour? Will they think that I am good at my job, and hiring me was the wise decision, or will they see through everything, and think that I'm a fraud? Yes, I'm suffering from a major case of self confidence today.
I know that I should get through my last day of work first, but I'm already starting to dread my first day in the new job, and it isn't for another 3 weeks.
One more day, just one more day and work is over.
Then....the beach!

Monday, October 23, 2006
Indecent exposure, public drunkeness and a police visit...
All 40 odd of us headed down to a fairly new restaurant on the bay, and sat in front of the glass windows looking over the sand and the water. Because it was such a beautiful day, there were lots of people frolicking on the beach, and occasionally braving the still cold water.
We kept watching 2 men, who kept removing clothes until they were both naked. They were surrounded by empty beer bottles. One of them tried to get dressed again, but got a bit confused, and put his jeans on, and then his boardshorts. Interesting look. The other man decided it was all too hard, and just decided to stay wandering around naked. Not the look he should have aspired to. Someone said something to him, and then he tried to put his boardshorts on, but just couldn't do it, and ended up doing an impersonation of a starfish, with his shorts around his ankles. Shudder. My boss very kindly hoped that I appreciated the male strippers that she had arranged for me.
The local constabulary arrived, and helped them to get dressed properly and escorted them off the beach.
Priceless entertainment, but I really hope that the sunburn and the hangover don't both hit at once.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Final playlist
In the order I'll be playing them...
She works hard for the money - Donna Summer
Summertime blues - Eddie Cochran
I Love Work - Butterfingers
Summertime - Ella Fitzgerald
Work - Uncanny X-Men
I want to break free - Queen
Summer Rain - Belinda Carlisle
Bang the Drum - Todd Rundgren
Dreadlock Holiday - 10cc
In the Summertime - Mungo Jerry
Summer Holiday - Cliff Richard
The Way - Fastball
Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
Every day should be a holiday - Dandy Warhols
One Summer - Daryl Braithwaite (confession - I want to know how many people will admit to knowing this)
Holiday - Madonna
Summer Nights - John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John
Boys of Summer - Don Henley
Missing - Everything but the Girl (for the people I really will miss)
Schools Out for Summer - Alice Cooper
Thank you all for your suggestions because they have definitely helped. I don't think anyone will get the full 40 points :)
4 more days...
Monday, October 16, 2006
If you're happy and you know it....
I've taken the first one I was offered, which I really really wanted, so I'm really excited.
They are couriering the contract down to me tomorrow, and I'll start in a month.
Wooohoo!!! I've got the job I want, where I get less stress and pressure, more money, and get to learn stacks of new stuff.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Merchant prince?
Me: Well done. Did you find the missing button?
Him: Nope, I had to go to Spotlight to buy a new one. Next time can you come with me please because I was really intimidated?
Me: What was so intimidating?
Him: There was all of this stuff there, I just wanted to find buttons. You know how to deal with these shops.
Me: Did you ask for help?
Him: No, I'm a man, I can find my way around a shop. I just wish that they would open a branch for men called Spotlite. All it would stock is simple buttons and thread and that way I don't have to go through everything else.
Think the idea would take off? Contrary to his belief I'm not an expert at finding my way around fabric and craft megastores, so there are times I would love a cut down version to just get the basics and get out of there. I can see it taking off in the CBD for when we all have those wardrobe malfunctions that we need to fix now.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I need some suggestions
So far I have:
Summer Holiday - Cliff Richard
Boys of Summer - Don Henley
Work - Uncanny X-Men (just for the line 'everybody wants to work, oh no not me')
Freedom - Wham
In the Summertime - Mungo Jerry
Summertime - DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince
I'm trying to avoid Boys, Boys, Boys (Summertime Love) by Sabrina unless I get really desperate.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Before I moved into my current job, I thought I was OK at Customer Service. I built relationships with my clients, thought I was helpful most of the time, but was really happy to leave them, and all of their dramas.
This morning I was sitting at my desk, when the receptionist started walking towards me with a big box of flowers. I thought they were for the office behind me until she stopped at my desk. I thought that my boy had finally succumbed and sent me flowers (he has been teasing me about them and much prefers to bring me individual ones in person) until she handed me a 700 ml bottle of Absolut Vodka and a letter. Intensely curious, I opened it to find a long letter on letterhead from one of my former clients with the first line "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO WITHOUT YOU". He wrote the most beautiful letter, said that I could use it as a reference and offered himself or anyone in his company to be an additional referee if the letter wasn't enough. Not in the least surprisingly, I burst into tears, again. It is more than 2 years since I looked after him and his account, and to be remembered like that was just beautiful.
I think sometimes that I forget that the impact of my words and actions can have an echo over the years. Today just served to remind me that anything I do can have an effect for years afterwards. I really hope that most of what I do have a positive effect, and that I'm not the cause of harm or negativity in others.
On a lighter note, my boy asked if that meant he didn't have to send me flowers now? Of course it doesn't :)
Morning Coffee

I've been sitting in my back garden drinking my coffee, just watching the colours of my garden and the morning visits from the birds. I had a visit from 2 kookaburras and moved very quickly yet quietly into the house for the camera. They flew away, but I thought I would share some of the colours with you.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Automatic pilot
- I get in the basement lift to get to work and press B and wonder why the lift doesn't move and the door doesn't shut
- I wave my work security pass at my front door and wonder why it doesn't open
- I put food in the cat's bowl and then put the empty tin on the floor and the bowl in the fridge
- I pay for my coffee and then walk off without it
- My mobile rings and I answer the home phone
Monday, October 09, 2006
Questions I would like answered
Can I get through the next 2 weeks and 2 days at work without throwing a hissy fit like this morning?
Why are Chris and Lavina in the bottom three on Australian Idol?
Who was St Kilda?
It worked!
I loved sitting outside in the sun with the people I love most in the world, just watching. Watching my younger brother and sister doing cartwheels, handstands and round offs, and then helping the 3 year princess to do them. Watching little miss 3 start at the top of the garden and try to somersault her way down to the back fence was hysterical. Catching the escaped males in the loungeroom; 2 of them sneaking looks at Bathhurst, and one engrossed in a Patricia Cornwell book. Throwing tennis balls around the garden, from me, to Dad, to my brothers, to my sisters, hiding the tennis ball from little miss 3. Shrieks of laughter from all of us when little miss 3 took her pink skirt off and Dad put it on his head. Frustration when he took it off when I pulled out the camera. Damn. Sitting in the sun, just holding hands with my boy listening to everyone.
No wonder Monday hurt at work today.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
What's your favourite album?
The ABC are running another survey this year, this time on Australia's favourite album. Over the last couple of years they have also done books and movies. Books and movies were much easier for me to think of. When it comes to music, there are so many that I love, and I couldn't choose just one. So, in no particular order, here they are.
World Party, Private Revolution
The first few times I heard the first single from this album, Ship of Fools, I hated it. But it grew and grew on me, until I went out and bought the tape of the album. I have listened to it so many times, I'm terrified that I won't be able replace it before it self destructs.
Brassed Off soundtrack
I love a good brass band, always have, and probably always will. One of my favourite songs (and poems), Jerusalem is done particularly well. Ewan McGregor on the cover doesn't hurt either.
Neil Diamond, Hot August Night
This always reminds me of family road trips across the country when I was a kid. My dad played this, I suspect ad nauseum, ad infinitum, every summer when we went interstate to visit my grandparents. Oddly enough, Mum not so much a fan.
Spice Girls, Spiceworld
This is bouncy, cheerful, and the best album to do housework too. Guess what will be on high rotation at my house today.
Skyhooks, Living in the 70's
When I was a kid, I loved the song Horror Movie. When I was about 15, my cousin lent me the whole album and I just loved it. Apparently I'm not cool, and was told that a lot when I listened to it, but I don't care, I just loved it. They sang about places I knew, and I loved that.
Uncanny X-Men, 'Cos Life Hurts
Work, 50 years, Yoko, Best Looking Guy in the Factory. Soundtrack of my early teen years (see Brian Mannix). I only recently discovered that it was produced by Red Symons of Skyhooks, who is also my compulsory morning radio listening.
Tony O'Connor, Rainforest Magic
I listened to this every night when I was going to sleep in year 12. A 7 track cd, I would always find myself falling asleep just after the thunderstorm in track 6.
Triple J Hottest 100, volumes 6 and 7
The soundtrack to being 24 and 25, some of the best times of my life, and some of the best friendships formed.
Garbage, Beautifulgarbage
Singalong, shoutalong songs, and the beautiful Can't Cry These Tears
Beck, Midnite Vultures
Road trips with with a friend I'm not as close to anymore, singing along, and dancing around the office with my friends.
Shrek, Soundtrack
Fun, bouncy, singalong songs, memories of my hysterical laughter in the cinema when The Proclaimers I'm on my way started, and the heartstoppingly beautiful cover of Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright.
Live songs, Good News week tapes, volume 2
Paul McDermott's voice, some of the most unexpected duets, and the gorgeous Gadflys. More happy memories.
The Edge, Ultimate Rock CD
A compilation from a radio station, Layla, Patti Smith, Marvin Gaye, Jimi Hendrix. Loved the mix for a long time, but will always associate it with helping a very good friend paint his house, varnish his new kitchen benches, and scooting around sanding back the skirting boards.
Mad about the Boy, songs known from the TV commercials
A 22nd birthday present from an old friend. Dinah Washington, Louis Armstrong, Nina Simone, Fontella Bass, Muddy Waters, and the unexpected amusement of the The New Seekers wanting to teach the world to sing. I love to listen to this when I'm being lazy with the Sunday papers.
Oops, this was going to be a short post, but I didn't register just how much music is part of my life. Just looking over the list, I don't have a favourite album from the 2 years that I ate, slept and breathed music volunteering at a radio station. I think that in those years the music that I spent my time with was more singles, the quick easy disposable stuff - Urban Cookie Collective, Dr Alban, Culture Beat, Snow, Ace of Bass.
And speaking of music, here is something I saw yesterday - the rider for Iggy Pop's tour.
Weekend planning
When my brother got engaged, he told Mum that they didn't want to have an engagement party. A couple of months ago, my stepmother suggested that we have surprise drinks or dinner for them. She then said that Mum and my stepfather were welcome at their place for it, and could my sister and I discuss it with her and see what she thought. I raised it with Mum, who said that she would not spring a surprise on them, and would only be involved if they knew about it beforehand. She is trying very hard not to be an interfering mother(in-law), as she and Dad ending up eloping when her aunt took over arranging their wedding, and doesn't want to inflict that on any of us. We are now having a lunch at my house tomorrow - neutral territory, and the most central. There have been a few precious moments; my brother suspects Mum was lukewarm about it because she didn't think of it first, my other brother (the difficult one) has so far this week told me that he is coming, told Mum he is coming and then told Dad 2 days later he knew nothing about it, and would see if he could make it. Aaargh. I just *love* family dynamics.
I think we finally got the people sorted and there will be 12 people here for lunch tomorrow. The engaged couple, me and the boy, Mum & my Trinistepdadian, Dad and my stepmother, my sister and her boyfriend, my brother, and the babiest sister of them all. I really hope the weather forecast is wrong, and the weather will be good - I want to put them all in the backyard, not the lounge and diningroom. The more space everyone has the happier we will all be. The food is sorted - this time I've delegated the provision of food through the females of the family, and I've arranged to borrow some of Mum's plates (I don't have enough for 12) as well as another table.
Today will be a manic housework day - I just hope that no one will look in the spare bedroom to find all of the clutter I've relocated, as well as a trip to the market for cheeses and salad ingredients. Tomorrow morning the bakery run, and then hopefully a fun day.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Mantras for work
It is not OK to say "I'm really busy right now, so I'll get that done on the weekend or at home tonight"
I am not indispensable. The daily attempts by colleagues to make me feel guilty about leaving, and telling me that they don't know how to replace me are not helping. The company will not fall to pieces when I walk out the door on October 25.
It is not my problem that they have not started to interview a replacement.
It is my responsibility to leave the best handover document I can. If someone is hired to fill my role before I leave I will train them.
I will get another job. I know that when family members ask me if I have a job yet, it is because they love me and don't want me to decimate my savings. It is not because they think I won't get one. On that note, I had a second interview today with the person who would be my boss. I loved it. We spoke the same language, and just clicked perfectly. I walked out of the building with a big smile on my face, and nothing could take it away from me today, not even working back until 7. I was so excited during the interview that I found myself waving my arms around, and actually feeling the passion for my work again. I'm still bouncing off the walls. I really enjoyed the interview, and can see myself working for the company. Time to wait and see now.
Now, to enjoy the weekend.
Monday, October 02, 2006
The list
I was intrigued by some of the choices that were made, and started wondering about other peoples lists. So, in the interest of sharing, here is mine.

Jon Bon Jovi

Paul McDermott

Alan Rickman

Jason Isaacs

David Wenham

Brian Mannix

Martin Clunes


Alex Papps

Viggo Mortensen

Cary Elwes

Mandy Patinkin

Rhys Muldoon

Anthony Morgan
So, who is on your list?

I can't believe I forgot Dylan Moran!!!

And the ultimate Johnny Depp...
Saturday, September 30, 2006
A nice day for a drive
The boy and I are off for a country drive, heading for the regional centre where his grandmother lives. We are going to have a birthday lunch with her, his great uncle and aunt, his aunt and his cousin. His grandmother has never made it a secret that she really likes me and approves of me, and I'm looking forward to seeing her. She is an interesting woman, well travelled, and still leads a full life into her nineties. The contrast between her and her daughter is staggering. The boys mum is in her 60's, very rarely leaves the house, and has no interest in life or living. A lot of this is related to her various illnesses, but it still makes me sad for her.
I feel guilty that I'm relieved his parents won't be there today, but I know that both he and I will have a better time. We would both find ourselves watching his parents, hoping that his mother won't have trouble eating her meal, and trying to find ways to help her without embarrassing her. Then we would have to try and deflect his fathers outbursts, and translate a lot of what he says to the others at the table. Even worse, when his cousin thinks that his father is trying to grasp something, she just talks to him more loudly, rather than trying to express herself more clearly, so then he just talks to her more and more loudly, and on it goes. I could write a whole post about his parents, and I probably will, but it won't be today.
Off to get pretty now, and enjoy a day out.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Ego post.....
I've been really humbled by all of this, but I want to remember some of the lovely things that have been said to me and share them with you. I don't think I ever realised how much some people at work really appreciated some of the things I do.
"Sorry to hear that you are leaving us. We will miss "the knowledge and the source" of all good information! You have been excellent and we will miss you!"
"Mate, but you are an institution."
"No way?????"
"You are sooooo not allowed!"
"O.M.G!! It's going to be a significant loss"
"NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!! You do such an amazing job !!! You can't possibly be replaced.... !!!"
"WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is totally sad news. I can't believe it!!!!"
"Oh no!!! That is disappointing news to hear we are loosing you! You will be missed!"
"What am I going to do without you young lady? That is terrible news to receive on a Monday morning. You will be greatly missed."
"What the? :( Where are you going? :( What are you doing? :("
"Noooooo! Sad to hear! Such a long time, will be muchly missed."
"You were displaying a lot of warning signs. :-( Why do all the fun people always go first?"
"Leaving us?!?! Sorry to hear it!"
"Your part of the furniture, you're not allowed to go anywhere!! How dare you! Very sad news for us"
"haven't had a chance to talk to you yet, but I'm sorry to see you go. I've got to say, I've never seen anyone better at their job than you as a AM and then BC. speak soon :)"
"WTF??? You're leaving? I'm selling my shares. "
"ugh... cguptju!!! *cough**splutter*"
I've been pretty emotional all week - I haven't been able to go through more than about 2 emails at a time, otherwise the tears kick back in. If I get really desperate, time to hide behind the iPod and hit the mindless easy stuff in my job until I'm back under control. Coping by sticking my head in the sand. Not a novel strategy, and one I need to move on from.
Moving on, I've got a job interview tomorrow morning, and I've heard from a few recruiters already.
Monday, September 25, 2006
What was she thinking?
If someone is going to help you by doing it, will you eat a sandwich while they do it? Please?
Update time
What a few days it has been.....
Most importantly, and the update that has the biggest impact on my life long term. I am not engaged. We do have an understanding and an agreement that we will be getting married at some point, but he wants to surprise me and go the whole down on one knee surprise proposal just to make it special. He thinks that he needs to plan something romantic and special because neither of us wants to do it more than once. It isn't my top priority to have the whole bells and whistles romantic proposal, but it is important to him to do things "properly". I can live with that, especially because we have had what I consider to be the most important conversations, and I know that we are on the same page. Besides, if he wants to do something big and special for me, I'm certainly not going to complain.
Today I resigned from my job. I feel like a massive weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I'm humbled by the reaction that I got from 7 different offices, and many of my colleagues. There have been lots of tears, but I know I'm doing the right thing. I'm going to take a few months off to really rest, and focus on me. I know I need to do this for the remnants of my sanity, and I'm really looking forward to it. Might have been a good idea to focus on me a while ago - especially after finishing last year with glandular fever and only taking a month off. Stupid. I can't change it now, but only 4 weeks and 2 days of work to go. I've already started to get job offers from competitors of my current company - wow! Talk about news travelling fast. I really don't want to start work until January/February next year. Mum thinks I'll be bored way before I run out of money.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Ooops forgot......
Bless him, this week would have been vile without him.
The times, they are a changin'
Not the greatest of weeks really. I've spent way more time than I want to in tears, but I just can't stop it at the moment. I need to make some changes in my life, one really big one, and a few smaller ones. I think that I need to be less passive about my life, and actually take control and some active steps.
There are some things that I won't be changing. These things will remain constant in my life:
- hwiwtstromlw
- My family
- My friends
- My hair
I have been worked for the same company for the last seven and a half years. When I started there I became staff member 14 or 15 - now there are well over 300. I worked hard, the hours were long, but there was a real sense of community, almost family, and working together to build this company. I've learnt so much working there, and I've made some amazing friends. The feeling of family is dying out, and so is my enthusiasm. I posted recently about losing my assistant, and before she left, my boss and her boss had a meeting with me and decided that she didn't need to be replaced, and that I could do it all, I just needed better time management. Ouch. Apparently I spend too much time talking with my colleagues and socialising. They thought it would be OK to have me backed up by another department if I was sick, or on annual leave. Today my request for 3 weeks (of the 6 I have outstanding) leave was declined, although previously approved, as it is too much to expect another team (of 40!!) to support my workload for that long. Okay. I was prepared to do the right thing by them, I even booked myself into a time management course today - I know I'm not perfect, and I can definitely learn new things, but that was the last straw.
So much of my "public" identity is bound up in my work. I'm scared. I'm about to make some big changes in my work life, so now I have to confront me. The one hiding behind super work woman. Once she is gone, who am I?
Flippantly, someone who needs to buy shares in Kleenex, and go to bed with Strong Poison. I won’t sleep with the wind gusts.
A little bit excited
And I didn't even notice until after I just added you.
Spring Winds
I love to lie in bed and listen to the rain on the roof, but I cannot do the same with the wind in the trees. I can hear every familiar creak of my house; the squeal of the tree against the gutter outside my loungeroom, the rattle of my back door as it fights the wind, my shower curtain rings hitting each other as the curtain blows in the wind through the louvre window, the ratatatat of my door knocker hitting the front door. All of these noises are familiar to me and are what I love about living here.
Before I turned on the lights and the laptop, I sat at the dining room window, looking over my back yard. As my eyes accustomed themselves to the half light, I could see my cat running around outside like a mad thing, pouncing at the wind, trying to catch nothing. I know how he feels.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Additions to my last post
Most importantly, hwiwtstromlw, makes me laugh. Makes me laugh myself silly, sometimes til I hurt. Works for me.
Because you asked...
But I digress. A little history, to clarify. In the depths of last century, I met hwiwtstromlw at a nightclub - one of his friends was chasing one of my friends, turned out we had a long history of being at the same place at the same time, and never quite meeting. We started what ended up being almost 3 years worth of relationship. We broke up, probably a year after we should have - mainly because I always wanted my own way, and so did he, and neither of us knew how to compromise, and honestly, we were both probably too selfish to even consider it. The other big sticking point was his insecurity around the difference in our sexual histories (him 1 partner - me, me 10 ish), and probably my lack of consideration of that. Considering some of the nasty things that came out of both our mouths in the last year, it is a real miracle that we ever spoke again. Probably the best example of our maturity came right at the very end, when I was waiting for him to pick me up to go the beach, he never showed, I called to see where he was, and he was wandering around his local shops, said that he didn't want to spend the day with me as I had been such a bitch the night before, I told him to fuck off and have a nice life. End of relationship.
Looking back now, I think that we were both more in love with being in love, and having a boyfriend/girlfriend, than actually being interested in each other as people. As for liking each other as people, and caring about opinions and thoughts - forget it!
In the 12 months or so after we split, we started to actually have real conversations and got to know each other much better as people, and caring about each other. I was the first person he called after his fathers stroke, and his mothers heart attack. He was the first person I called when I discovered I was going to be a big sister again, when I got a promotion at work, whenever anything big happened in my life. One of the best things that happened was that he suddenly discovered reading, which has been a passion of mine all my life, wasn't so bad, and raids my bookcase at least once a week. We seem to have finally mastered communication and compromise, and have successfully negotiated 2 overseas trips and quite a few within Australia without major fights or nastiness. Most importantly, we seem to have got past pretending everything is good all of the time, and work through differences together, and can compromise.
We have both dated other people, and I think have both suffered from comparing them to each other. In between, we have probably been what can best be described as best friends with fringe benefits (and the fringe benefits do keep getting better and better). hwiwtstromlw said last week that he has realised that he doesn't want to see me with anyone else, and is much happier when I am with him. I'm glad he finally caught up - I've been there for at least a year. Let me tell you, there have been many tears and much sadness over that.
His friends have accused him of being committment phobic, and I have too. Not in relation to myself either - all of his girlfriends over the past few years. On Saturday he asked me whether I would prefer an engagement ring or a deposit on a house. How much does he think engagement rings cost? Honestly, I don't really want a big flashy engagement ring, I think that if it came from him it could be from a vending machine at the supermarket. Okay, slight dramatic over exaggeration (is that tautology?), I would like something nice, but I'm not a fan of diamonds. I don't remember where I read it, but I have always liked the idea of pearls, even though they are supposed to be for tears, after all, I shed tears when I'm happy and sad.
I trust him with my life, and know that he knows me better than anyone, sometimes better than I know myself. If I have had a bad day spending time with him is like sinking into a warm, safe, comfortable bath, where I feel secure, protected, and part of a team. He isn't always the most "romantic", but tends to show his care and concern in more practical ways; not letting me change lightbulbs if I have to stand up on an unstable chair, washing my car for me, showing up with a home cooked meal when he knows I've been working too hard and can't be bothered facing the kitchen to cook for just one. Even just the little things like opening doors for me (and he never did that for our entire 3 year relationship). I love that I can still shock and outrage him with some of the things I say when least expected, I love that he gets angry and upset over insults to me, but still lets me fight my own battles.
I'm pretty proud that we are both so much nicer to each other now, and that we have come so far. We still have a stack of practical and logistical issues to deal with, especially around hwiwtstromlw's family situation (works part time, primary carer for his parents), and dealing with my lovely, yet infuriating family.
*apologies to cmhl for stealing her acronym style - it was just the easiest way to do it
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Sweetie Darling
More than that though, I tend to use terms of endearment for some of the people I work with. At the moment I seem to be calling most people bloss, which has caused some raised eyebrows when I've called one of the boys that in the middle of the room. A couple of people are still getting hon, hun or honey, and there are a couple of babes in the mix too.
I'm trying to think just how many people I have called by their proper name this week, and I'm struggling to think of one. I abbreviate my boss's name, she abbreviates mine, people with short names are made longer, people who should be respected (ie the CEO's) are abbreviated to their initials, or a corruption of their surname. The boy I'm currently text flirting with (long story) is known by a corruption of the abbreviation of his surname. (sorry convoluted I know!) He whom I wish to spend the rest of my life with gets called, and calls me a variety of pet names, and starts worrying when I call him by either his full given name, or the commonly used abbreviation. I have to admit that I look around when he calls me by the commonly used abbreviation of my first name too.
Is it a typically Australian thing? I don't know. I know that my New Zealand and English friends struggle to get their heads around it the most, until they have been here for a while. I'm always relieved when simultaneous translation is no longer required.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Consumed by blogging...?
Saturday, September 09, 2006
I've worked out who will win the 2006 AFL Premiership
In 2004 Port Adelaide won the Premiership. To get there, they had to defeat St Kilda and knock St Kilda out of the finals.
In 2005 Sydney won the Premiership. To get there, they had to defeat St Kilda and knock them out of the finals.
Last night Melbourne defeated St Kilda and knocked us out of the finals. So following the theory that when it isn't all about me, it is all about my football team, Melbourne will be the 2006 Premiers.
Yes, I'm going to feel mighty silly if they get knocked out next week, but I'll deal with that should it happen!
Friday, September 08, 2006
When I grow up ....
She is awesome. I was at the Countdown Spectacular tonight and she just held the audience in her hands.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Have you looked down the back of the couch?
Why do I feel so relieved? I was so excited when I was told that I was getting an assistant at work to alleviate my workload and let me focus on the fun stuff of my job and really grow and learn more in my job.
Honestly, I wasn't that impressed with the hire my manager made to be my assistant. I thought that she was over qualified to do the job, and was just using it as an escape hatch from her previous role within the company which I knew she hated. I much preferred the other candidate.
She started really well, and was bubbling over with enthusiasm, and really eager to learn. After 3 months though, my stress levels were going through the roof. We split the workload so that we each had clear lines and differences in responsibilities, so that there was no confusion. There were constant omissions, no interest in meeting deadlines, and no initiative or willingness to take responsibility for any decisions or actions. I spent a lot of time fixing mistakes, and apologising to frustrated internal and external clients. Not fun. After 5 months - migraines, lack of sleep, and a whole lot of tears.
When she resigned on Monday, I'm sure that my blood pressure dropped and I know that my stress levels did. I've slept better the last 2 nights than I have in weeks, and I'm so much happier.
At the same time, I'm thinking a lot. Am I such a control freak that things have to be my way or not at all? Am I so hypercritical that I always focus on the faults and never on the positive? Could I have done more to keep her motivated and engaged, or did she check out a while ago, and know that I wouldn't let anything go wrong because of my pride in the job being well done... Do I have problems trusting others to do the right thing by myself, themselves, our clients and the business? With the massive expectations I have for myself, do I expect everyone else to live up to them or instantly condemn them or write them off as not as committed as me?
This is really confronting stuff. I don't think that I'm perfect (okay, maybe....) but I'm dealing with issues I've been hiding from for years, even though some of it has been mentioned in previous performance reviews. I think I need to have a pretty long session, either with someone from HR, or my manager. The scary thing is that the more I think about this, the more I suspect it applies in my personal life as well. Ouch.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Happy belated birthday
My friendship group and socialising has changed a lot. I spent over a year on crutches, and I'm still surprised by the "friends" that only wanted to spend time with me in nightclubs, and didn't make the effort to return my calls or come to visit me. Not surprising, these people aren't part of my life anymore. The people I am closest to now are the ones that visited me in hospital regularly, and made the time to come and see me at home until I could get out a bit more. Real friends.
I am much more content on my own now. I can happily spend days by myself without needing human contact or validation. I have to be careful though, otherwise I can get to Monday morning without seeing anyone since Friday afternoon. Perhaps I could go off and become a hermit.
One of the best things about the time spent in hospital, and the time spent recuperating is that my relationship with my family really improved and is much stronger. I had had a pretty rocky year with my family before this happened, and this definitely made a difference. There is no way that I could have got through this without my family, especially my Mum. I had just moved home, and am very lucky that I had.
For those of you who are wondering, I had an aneurysmal bone cyst at the neck of my femur. The growth of the cyst meant that I had a broken leg (and had been walking on it for some weeks), and also a broken hip. The surgery involved a bone transplant, multiple screws and plates, and a scar caused by 60 odd staples putting my leg back together. Nice work by the surgeon though - it has faded so well that the scar is only obvious by touch. Lowlight - having the biopsy through my groin done twice cos the wrong needle was used. Although pethidine afterwards = good! Highlight - telling people I was going to rehab.
Friday, September 01, 2006
Enough about my mood, how are you?
Sunday, August 27, 2006
It's such a perfect day, I'm so glad I spent it with you
I had most of the family over for lunch today, Mum, my stepfather, both my brothers, my sister, and my brother's fiancee.
I was lazy with the food, I must admit. I bit off way more than I could chew with my weekend, and decided that realistically, I had a snowballs chance in hell of cooking a good meal, having a clean house and not being a massive ball of stress, bursting into tears at the first sighting of a family member. The house looks gorgeous (just don't look in any of the cupboards, under the bed or in the spare room!!). I was so relaxed and had such a good afternoon, I'm definitely catering like this again.
Yesterday morning I was at my local market at 7.30 and went slightly nuts at all of the deli counters - picking up semi sundried tomatoes, sundried roma tomatoes, a triple cream Brie, Camembert, Edam, (my favourite cheese of all time), King Island Surprise bay Cheddar, 4 different types of olives (split with chili - yum), some turkey, some chicken breast, rare roast beef, dolmades, grilled capsicum, grilled eggplant, some ham, hommus, avocado dip and spring onion dip. This morning I headed to my local gourmet supermarket and picked up some Turkish bread, some mild salami, and an assortment of their salads - sweet potato, Greek, coleslaw, and potato salad. Then to the bakery for a fresh baked hi fibre tiger loaf. I have to tell you, the car smells divine - like fresh bread. I'll be having really fancy lunches all week with deli leftovers.
Today I just put everything out in nice dishes on the table in my back garden, and let everyone help themselves to what they really wanted to eat - as much or as little as they like. Sunny day, warm, but not too hot. I took my shoes off and let my feet luxuriate in the freshly mown grass while we ate. I've just looked at the soles of my feet, and they have a distinctly green tinge.
I feel really satisfied now. My less happy brother was happy and was nice to everyone, no fights picked. My stepfather kept saying how different the meal was to what he normally has, but how much he enjoyed it. For the first time in so long I got to just enjoy my family, no undercurrents, no tension, just people who really love each other, enjoying time together.
I'm going to sleep well tonight.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Gloom and Doom....
No more. I've had enough. I need to focus on the positive more, and stop dwelling on the negatives, and dragging myself into the depths of gloom (for some reason I want to have a music file of the theme from Jaws before the word gloom, but that would just be excessive!).
I've taken steps. I've got my act together and finally booked my car in for a service. I've made a hair appointment. I've invited the family over for lunch on Sunday. I've started researching beach accommodation for October/November. No half measures here.
I'm really excited. I told my Mum that the real reason I've invited them all for lunch is to show off my new hair. I'm really looking forward to just spending some time with all of my family, sharing food, stories, and laughter.
And seriously, how can anyone stay gloomy after a conversation with the smallest sister, who was insistent that her middle name is grapes. Oh to be three again...
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Just driving my car
In order of appearance I had:
My Cello - Dan Hicks and his hotlicks
Sooliamon/Brother Love's Travelling Salvation Show - Neil Diamond (live from Hot August Night)
Stand by your man - Tammy Wynette
Eat It - Weird Al Yankovic
Addio - Jose Carreras
Tobago Girl - Mighty Sparrow
I've got no idea what that says about me, but I had a darn fine trip to work. Started the work day with a mighty big smile on my face.
I've been feeling horribly guilty about it ever since I heard this afternoon. I've spent a lot of time since then wondering if I could have done anything differently but I honestly don't think I could. I'll tell you what happened and I'll let you judge.
On Thursday, I had to ring one of my regular suppliers as I was experiencing a technical problem. When I got through to their customer support, the conversation started badly with the guy answering the phone telling me that I shouldn't be working, but rather should be out shopping like all women. Nice customer interaction.
On Friday he called me back and told me that he had done exhaustive testing and that there was no technical issue. I disagreed with him, telling him that I had numerous examples with exactly the same information or sources that was not experiencing the same problem. He got quite nasty and started talking to me as if I was an idiot, and ended the conversation by saying that as his exhaustive technical troubleshooting did not show a physical issue, and therefore I must have mental issues. When I asked to speak to his manager he said that he wasn't available and that there wasn't a problem. Then he hung up on me. Courteous.
I had a cry (combination frustration, anger and shock I think), and then called my account manager. I decided that I shouldn't have to put up with being spoken to like that so I gave her the details of the conversation. Later I got a very apologetic call from their Customer Support Manager. I said that I would be happy with a written apology and never having to deal with this guy again.
On Monday, I heard from another Customer Rep, who worked with me to solve the problem. Yes, the real problem.
Yesterday I got a delivery of a gorgeous bunch of flowers from their Customer Support Manager - apologising again and hoping that they brightened up my day - they did. I'm looking at them now and the gerbera's are making me smile. Gerbera's always do.
Today I was offered a job in their Support team, and also in their Quality team.
Then I heard that he was "let go". Apparently they have a tape of the conversation which reassures me that the decision was not made on my say so alone, but rather based on the facts. I'm relieved by this, but still feel guilty that I have contributed to someone losing their job. I cannot imagine how he is feeling, but I'm pretty sure that he is blaming me.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Memories are made of this
First, I got to have an orgy of baby shopping, buying a gift for baby Emily, her older brother, and her hard working mum. I had way too much fun at my local Pumpkin Patch and ended up buying one of the blankets (hot pink, natch!), 2 pairs of socks, 2 brand new bibs, and some very cute penguin booties. Then I fell in love with a monkey - perfect for big brother who loves Madagascar. Nothing like a trip to the Body Shop to spoil Emily's Mum.
Then I headed to my Mum's - she has decided that with all four of her children out of the house it is time to clean out the garages, and work out whose childhood books and toys are there. Only one of my siblings showed up to help, the older of my 2 younger brothers (totally unrelated, any suggestions on the best way to keep my brothers anonymous, yet differentiated?) I've spent hours of fun going through all of those boxes, finding books that I loved and haven't seen in years. There is truth in the rumour that there were tears in my eyes when I found my much loved book, Dogger. As I write this, I have a load of washing of all my old dolls clothes running (delicate cycle!), with one knitted doll, Galilee, that I haven't seen for at least 15 years in there too. What does it say when you use a lingerie washbag to wash a treasured doll? I think I'll need to restuff her too.
Once my laundry is done, I'll be heading back to Mum's for dinner - my Trinistepdadian is enjoying retirement thoroughly and has completely taken over the kitchen - Beef Curry for dinner, and then off to see baby Emily.
Honestly, pretty close to a perfect Sunday.
Last but not least, bravo to my St Kilda boys! Back into the top 4 on the ladder!
Are you long enough?
I've been giggling hopelessly, visualising men all over Victoria holding that line up to their penises, or cutting it out and putting it somewhere safe to measure their next erection. Perhaps some kind workplace might want to cut it out and laminate it, before sticking it up next to a urinal.
Women spend so long obsessing about their body image, that we forget that men are just as vulnerable. I have to admit that I cannot imagine a major broadsheet showing the size of the average women's breasts or vagina. I wonder if that is because they are so closely associated with porn, whereas the statue of David is considered art.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Girls, girls, girls
I'm actually quite jealous of both girls - they each have an older brother. Being the oldest, I never had that, and always wanted one. Oops, sounding like Miss Cornelia in the Anne books again. I've just had a flash of her saying that she had always wanted a brother, and being disappointed at 15 when she finally got one, only to find that he was not 2 years older. Question, why do I remember this, and never where I put my car keys?
With the world the way it has been this week, I'm relieved to have some happy news.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
In which we lose, but still have a good time
Leading after 2 rounds - looking good, still good after the third round, fell completely to pieces in the fourth round, and never really recovered. We laughed, and laughed, and laughed though - in fact I still hurt. Who knew that the English invented table tennis. Equally worrying, who knew we would write it down, and cross it out. Damn.
Pretty proud of our team though - we argued for 10 minutes over whether food needed saliva or air to give it a taste. Luckily we were right with saliva.
Good night though, can't wait for the next one.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Stand up and be counted!
My favourite comment on talkback radio on the way home tonight was that "we should tell the government the same amount of truth that they tell us". I was actually surprised at the number of people who said that they were not prepared to complete the census because they asked for your name, address and employer details. Guess what people - if you have a mortgage, a bank account or a credit card, they already have all of this information about you. Done your tax? They've got your information that way too!
I love to read history, and my favourite parts of history are when I can get a real understanding of people, and what their lives were really like. It always makes things much more alive for me. I always loved reading the questions sent in to Ancestor magazine (published by The Genealogical Society of Victoria) asking about how to find people, and seeing the answers about past censuses (censii? who knows?) I've given permission for my personal details to be accessed in 99 years, and I hope that someone like me can see that information and be fascinated by how I live now.
I have to admit to being a little naughty though. I hope that whoever gets to process the forms gets a giggle from my response. No, I didn't claim to be a Jedi Knight. I've always been too scared to list my occupation as Trafficker on Immigration entrance and exit cards, so I've done it on my census form. I work for one of those newfangled new media companies, and have overall responsibility for the booking of banner advertising on our website (yep, those annoying things). That does, technically, make me a trafficker. So now, I've justified my mum describing my job to everyone she knows as a trafficker in one of Melbourne's less salubrious suburbs. I've told her. She was very proud.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Go on now go, walk out the door
I sent an email today, telling him that I wasn't interested, wishing him the best and asking him to delete my contact details.
I really hope that it has worked this time, otherwise I'll have to call in some bigger guns. Fingers crossed.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Here is a tip for you boys
Shiny Shiny

My new shower is nearly finished. I'm so excited about it (and not just cos I've been trekking to Mum's to shower every day for the last week and a half!). The shower was old, with brown tiles, that were getting harder and harder to clean.
I rent this house, and the bathroom arrangements are just a little odd. When you walk down the hall, the first bathroom has carpet (ugly, vile, mustard yellow), a bath, and a basin. The second room has lino, and a shower. Yep, a shower. The third room is as deep as the others, and has the Tirolean toilet, and carpet. Yep, more carpet. Mission brown this time. Noice.
About three weeks ago I came home to find that the mustard carpet was soggy underfoot. Pretty clever as no taps were on, and the door had been shut all day. Rang the real estate agent to arragne a plumber - and saga, to end all saga's, it took 4 days to get a plumber here. I was very excited when they told me that the whole membrane was cracked, and I would need a brand spanking new shower. Woohoo!! Added bonus, the vile mustard carpet is badly damaged, and will be replaced with something appropriate for wet surfaces.